Take the Self-Respect Quiz


By taking this quiz, you’ll not only understand how self-respect is impacting your life right now, I’ll also send you a 18-page FREE guide packed with practical steps so you can continue learning on your own.

  • Time: 3 minutes
  • Questions: 32
  • Results in: 2 minutes
  • Free 18-page guide
Self-Respect Quiz

63% of people wished they had more self-respect, but why?

The importance of self-respect (and why so many of us lack it) is because we are incredibly concerned with people’s opinions and supressing who we really are to ensure everyone likes us.

Some of the eye-opening results of this quiz show that

  • 63% wished they had more respect for themselves. 63% 63%
  • 62% neglect their own needs and prioritise others instead 62% 62%
  • 52% are ashamed of their past 52% 52%
  • 50% find it hard to voice their opinion 50% 50%
  • 48% feel they are taken advantage of 48% 48%

Are you in the Discovery Zone, Growth Zone, or Master Zone?

Your Zone, represented by one of these stages, reveals how your level of self-respect is likely playing out in your life now and influencing the relationship with yourself (hello, self-criticism), and others (like how good you are at setting boundaries with that needy family member).

The Self-Respect Quiz has been designed from my research to help you embark on a journey of self-discovery and gain valuable insights into where you can begin to embrace the true power of self-respect.

It’s your time you reset with self-respect.

This is what you’ll learn when you do the self-respect quiz.

Crystal clear awareness

Crystal clear awareness

of how your zone is playing out in your life now.

Crystal clear awareness

of how your zone is playing out in your life now.

What healthy self-respect

What healthy self-respect

(actually) is and how you can build it.

What healthy self-respect

(actually) is and how you can build it.

Self-exploration prompts

Self-exploration prompts

to boost your personal development.

Self-exploration prompts

to boost your personal development.

Tips and daily practices

Tips and daily practices

that people with healthy levels of self-respect implement.

Tips and daily practices

that people with healthy levels of self-respect implement.